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Official web site of freelancer artist
Denis Tenev

Borka Talevski 26, 5/55/1
1000 Skopje, R.Macedonia

Bank Account:
IBAN Code: MK07210501612289138
Bank Address: Majka Tereza br. 1

© 2020 TenevArt. All Rights Reserved
This site include Blog and School department
All product, designs, text and lectures on this site are copyright protected
Blog School
by Denis Tenev
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 1 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 2 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 3 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 4 Advanced Adobe Photoshop<br>Lesson 5
Basic Photoshop

Advanced Photoshop


How to Make

Basic Illustrator

Advanced Illustrator


How to Make

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NEW 29 June 2020 see on YouTube
Quote fir this article

Encourage and motivate yourself with my artistic thoughts

Welcome to my official website. Here, you can find and see my paintings and digital art, graphic and web designs, fonts, animations, typographic quotes, portraits, hand made products from my art works...
Also, as wallpaper, you can download some of my art for free...and of course, if you like my work you can support me by like, share or with donation.

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Artworks with passion...
From my earliest days of youth I dedicated my life to creating art and I want to share it with you.

Art Works
In my Art Work section you can find pieces in a traditional painting technique, traditional drawings… Also, you will find my digital artworks as digital paintings and drawings, typography art etc. If it’s a traditional Art Work, You can buy it as an original. Otherwise, you can order a reproduction of the said piece.

You can order every piece of my work as a reproduction. All reproductions are printed with Canon HQ pigment ink technology and you can order them on Art / Handmade Paper or on canvas. Every reproduction of my Art Work is marked with serial number, my signature and authentical dry seal stamp.

Art Paper
Handmade Paper

Authorial authenticity

Serial Number
Authenticity stamp

For every piece of my Art you can order a license for your personal usage or for your business. Depending on your need, I have an offer of several licenses.

Here, you can find some links from Stock Agencies that I work with to sell my photos. Of course, if you like one of my photos, feel free to order and buy a license for the selected photo directly from me.

Graphic Design
In Graphic Design section, you can look at examples of what I have been doing over the years, but you can also order a design for your project and implementation (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator ... etc) with complete preparation for printing.

Web Design
In Web Design section you can see some examples of my web designs. Also you can find templates with full responsive design ready to be implemented as your website. Also, you can find specific details (like animated buttons, dropdown menus, etc) easy to implement on your web site or design.

Here, I offer the option of creating your own font (according to your need or according to your handwriting) or modifying the font you most often use. Modifications can be of any kind, but I would emphasize the possibility of creating subfamily styles (light, condensed, black etc ...) versions of an already existing font.

Here you can find an offer for portraits on the principle "your photo your portrait". You can choose a traditional portrait in pencil, charcoal, pastel, linenart etc. or select one of the digital versions. It is enough to upload some of the best photos of you or your loved ones and in a few days you will receive your portrait at your address. If you choose one of the digital versions, in addition to the printed form, you will also receive a digital version of your portrait ready for HQ printing in A3 300 dpi (50MB size)

On every section on my site you can find a shop department where you can find products made on the basis of my fine art Artworks, graphic and web design stuff, fonts, etc... Keep in mind that I do not have a mass production and all of these products (in fine art Artworks) are handmade. That's why they’re in a limited edition.

On my Blog you can find and read articles about Art, Life... With all of these text articles, I want to motivate you and awaken a logical thinking about art, life and everything that surrounds us and often confuses us.

Overall, this is an art school. Through my experience, gained from all the years of my artistic work as a visual artist, I want to share useful lessons that will help you gain skills at working in all areas of art. You can find lessons that will guide you step by step (if you are a beginner) or the popular Tips & Tricks to deepen your skills (if you are an experienced artist). It covers all topics of visual communication (form and color theory), drawing skills, graphic and web design and the tools most commonly used as Adobe: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator etc.


It's not easy to be an artist, but it's even harder not to be

I dedicated my whole life to art. All my strengths, education, habits, and everything else I put into the function of that goal: to be an artist! Why? Because since childhood, I have believed that I was called for it. And I followed that call, but the steps were not always easy. Ah, there were wonderful moments. But that sublimate of my experiences made me stronger and more resolute: TO NEVER GIVE UP!
People say that we artists live in our own world. Hmm ... it's probably so, but that does not mean that the artist is not from this world, right? The artist has always been an inseparable part of society. Here we are, around you. Perhaps you do not observe many artists, as you see our art work. And we live and exist for that ... for our deeds. Like children, we rejoice at your every attention, sympathy or approval of what we create. If we stop here it will sound very selfish on my part ... yes, as an artist I love your attention, amazement and approval ... BUT ... do you know the impact of art in society? Yes, the artist's work can encourage, stimulate, arrange, make you think, change your view of the world, realize that everything is not gray and that life is colorful! From an artist you will learn that in everything there is a harmony that we so often disperse with our actions... You will learn that however much it looks different, life is still beautiful. From an artist you will easily conclude thatthere is courage in you to complete the start, and it seems discouraged.

Yes, it is my mission... For you to see the world through different eyes. But not just that. In all of my past steps in my life, I learned that art is not only in painting, sculpture, music, architecture etc... it is in every one of us. Yes, I believe in the Art of Life!

Therefore, with my artwork, but also with my thinking and life experience, I want to motivate you!

I hope to succeed!

Denis Tenev
Visual Artist

Painter, Multimedia artist, Graphic and Web designer, Photographer, Font Maker...


Download my CV

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